December 15, 2022

I’m a husband and father of two, working as a project manager in North Alabama.

I’m 39 now, and it seems like I’ve gained and lost the same 20-40 pounds at least ten times since age 12. Not only that, but I developed an emotional attachment to food as a teenager, along with nagging depression/anxiety issues that were not diagnosed until much later.

Over the years, I’ve tried everything to keep the weight off. Starting in the early 2000s, I tried a little bit of everything: Ephedrine products (before they were banned), running, CrossFit, the Paleo diet, the Keto diet, the Noom app, and Renaissance Periodization. While each of those efforts taught me valuable lessons about what is and isn’t good for my body, I found myself in early 2022 in a very familiar position: Tired, depressed, and watching the scale creep past 200 pounds.

I’ve always known that all of us have very particular needs for our bodies, and I had some very specific questions about what my body does and doesn’t respond to. Each of the resources I tried addressed one part of my challenge, but all of them lacked the customized, one-to-one focus that only a sustained relationship with another person can provide. So, as soon as those programs ended, or as soon as I burned out from the intensity of a prolonged effort, I went right back to my old habits, because I hadn’t learned anything about my body.

The first thing that struck me about Copper State FIT was the relatability. Adam (Founder and Head Coach) had been where I found myself in early 2022. In addition, there was a level of transparency and calm that I wasn’t used to. CSF was not trying to sell any secrets or quick fixes. It was all about simple, common sense steps and some patience.

I went through the free trial month and had success, but hoped I could carry on without the full program. However, throughout the year, and despite positive progress on my fitness and nutrition goals, I continued to struggle with especially bad seasons of depression.

In late July, I realized I had to fight back, and one of the fronts of my war on my depression was in the realm of nutrition. I turned right back to CSF, and I’m very glad I did! Adam was not put off by my mental health struggles, and I never felt judged or condescended to.

I am feeling much more confident now that I have the wisdom and tools necessary to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I have good days and bad days, but the good outweigh the bad (no pun intended), and I always know that all it takes to get back on the right path is to return to the good habits that I learned from CSF.

What really clicked for me was thinking about my nutrition the same way I think of my personal budget. I wouldn’t expect to succeed financially if I didn’t keep up with how much money I made or how much I was spending.

Also, the importance of rest/ recovery has never been clearer to me than it is now. Like most of us, I tend toward workaholism and feel guilty if I’m laying on the couch or not “accomplishing” something. I feel a huge difference in my productive times now that I’m prioritizing rest. I’m getting more done because I actually have the focused energy I need.

Lastly, the permission to have bad days or feasts and not feel like they would derail my progress for eternity is incredibly freeing, and an actionable truth I can use to fight off the negative self-talk that I developed in my younger years.

I’ve dropped 28lbs and 10% body fat, while losing over 6 inches from my waist! I’m at the lightest I’ve been going into the holiday season that I’ve been in ten years!

I’m running faster than I did in my 20s. I’m resting better than I have in years. My wife comments on my physique and has been inspired to keep working toward her personal goals, too.

I would feel very stuck without CSF. I may have eventually found another weight loss solution, but it’s doubtful it would have been sustainable or gotten me to where I am now, feeling as good as I do today.

It’s essential that you understand how your body is impacted by your nutrition decisions. There’s no better way to learn than through constructive relationships built over time. Copper State FIT gives you the tools to gather personalized, specific information about your body that you can use to reach your weight, fitness, and nutrition goals. Also, you’ll have insightful conversations about your personal struggles in a safe, private way without feeling judged or belittled.

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