June 18, 2023

I live in Salt Lake City, UT and I recently got married to my best friend. We love to hike, go for walks, and eat different foods. I find joy in working out, and lifting weights has become a passion for me. I’m still learning, and I love to see the growth I’ve made.

Before working with Copper State FIT, I was in a rut. I was working out every day, but my weight was slowly creeping up, and I lacked the motivation to focus on what I was eating.

Years ago, I tried Weight Watchers and had great success, but I did not want to count points again. I would try to eat “healthy” but it was not getting me anywhere. I needed more direction. I knew I needed to learn habits and change my lifestyle around food.

When I started with CSF, I loved the gradual approach! I started with drinking more water to stay hydrated and tracking my calories to make sure I was fueling my body, while not over doing it. The step-by-step approach helped me to focus on one thing at a time, and to build healthy habits.

As I progressed with these small goals, I was able to see results. Now, I eat more fruits and vegetables than I have ever had my whole life! I have more energy, and I am seeing more muscles that I have been working too hard to build. It feels amazing!

I’m much more aware of what I put into my body, and how it makes me feel. I have a major sweet tooth, and I didn’t have to give up ANY of the delicious foods I love! I simply learned to portion those foods, so I am not over eating things.

My biggest takeaways from working with Copper State FIT are:

First, consistency is key. Being consist leads to results!

Next, tracking meals is so important as it allows you to become more aware of what you’re eating and helps you stick with your goals. If I do go over on calories one day, I just need to focus on staying on track the next day and not try to “make up” for the previous day. I love that!

Sometimes we beat ourselves up, and it’s really all about building and keeping good habits.

When I started with CSF, I knew I’d be getting married soon, and I wanted to feel my best. I was able to hit my goal within three months because I was accountable to my coach. This was huge for me! That enabled me to lose over 15lbs, over 8% body fat and over 10 total inches!

I needed to be held accountable for my actions, and that gave me the push I needed to reach my goal.

Without the help of my coach and CSF, I don’t think I would have lost as much weight as I did, or maybe none at all. I am so glad I joined and was able to build sustainable eating habits. I feel so much better!

If this is something you’re considering, do it for yourself! It is so worth it, and you will be grateful you did. I was exercising five to six days a week and still gaining weight! It wasn’t until I joined CSF that I saw the results I wanted.

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